MODULE 1 - unit 1

Activity 3

Conducting a personal ‘SWOT’ analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats)

A SWOT analysis is a technique designed to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and ensure that internal and external variables are consistent.  It is helpful to think of strengths and weaknesses in terms of internal or personal aspects and opportunities and threats in terms of external, environmental conditions. Naturally we have more control over the former than the latter. 

Internal Appraisal
Strengths Weaknesses
External Appraisal
Opportunities Threats 

Look at the self-analysis questions below and place them in the most appropriate ‘SWOT’box.  Some statements may apply to more than one category.

  S W O T
1. What favourable environmental trends exist?
2. How are my competitors developing?
3. How is my industry of choice developing?
4. What unfortunate environmental trends exist?
5. What am I good at?
6. Which of my current skills are transferable?
7. Am I ready for a change of direction?
8. How many competitors do I have?
9. In what areas could I achieve success?
10. What are the major problems I face?
11. Where is my performance likely to suffer?
12. What am I poor at doing?
13. What major resources/expertise do I have?
14. What major deficiencies do I have?